Men Who Never Get Married

A few times a week, a woman stops by the Solitary Beast blog to berate me for my lifestyle choices, hurl baseless insults, and curse me to a life of loneliness.

A 40 year old man with his shit together is in prime of his life.Unlike women, I can look forward to the growth, maturity, and confidence of being a man in his 40s.

A 40 year old man with his shit together is in prime of his life.

Unlike women, I can look forward to the growth, maturity, and confidence of being a man in his 40s.

It’s amusing, as well as flattering, that so many women read my work.

It’s also ironic.

I started this blog to help improve the lives of men, but my most fervent fans, and commenters, are women, by far.

I’m starting to realize why female empowerment pimp, Derrick Jaxn, chose the career path he did.

Women are desperate to figure out how to make men commit to them, or feel better about themselves if they can’t find one. Selling copes to women is a good business.

Women are desperate to figure out how to make men commit to them, or feel better about themselves if they can’t find one. Selling copes to women is a good business.

Women have bought into the poisonous lies of feminism, and as a result, books or courses to teach women how to attract men are a gold mine.

Today’s modern women need books and seminars to teach them what women have known instinctively for thousands of years.

Let me point out that NO other species of animal on planet Earth needs to read books or attend seminars on how to attract a mate.

Birds, bees, dogs, fish, and everything else, instinctively know how to make themselves attractive to the opposite sex.

On the other hand, human women do the exact opposite of what their male counterparts are attracted to:

-cutting their hair into short, butch styles only a lesbian would find appealing,

-ridiculous, liberal political opinions. For example saving everything from baby whales, polar bears, and the rain forest, everything BUT actual unborn human babies,

-having children by lowlifes most decent people wouldn’t trust in their house.

When the clock strikes midnight (somewhere around 30- 35) they go scrambling for a "High value man” i.e. a Simp, to “step up”, meaning bail her out from a lifetime of terrible decisions.

The “High value man” is rewarded for his generosity by being asked to:

  • wait months for sex

  • spend his time and money raising someone else’s bastard children.

Men have mostly figured this out, and are staying away.


This post is about the most common insult I receive:

that I’ll eventually get old and die alone if I don’t change my ways, and acquiesce to the female imperative of committed relationship and monogamy.

This accusation might worry me, if I didn’t grow up around men who stayed bachelors their entire lives, and looked good doing it.


The Eternal Bachelor

My first memory of an eternally single man is Mr. Jessie from my old neighborhood, in a small town in the semi-rural Louisiana.

Mr. Jessie grew up on the same street as my grandparents’ house.

He went to school with my mother and was high school sweethearts with one of my aunts.

Everyone else went off to college, got married, had children, but Mr. Jessie stayed single and free.

He still lives in the same house he grew up in, just a few doors down from my grandmother.

As a child, I always remember the sly twinkle in Mr. Jessie’s eyes.

He was happier, and more carefree than other men, who were saddled with nagging wives and bratty children.

He owned a small construction business, building additions and doing remodeling work in the neighborhood.

He drove a shiny, well maintained, classic Chevy work truck, loaded down with tools.

Everybody loved him.

On weekends, he would cruise through the neighborhood in a Cadillac waxed so high you could see your reflection in it.

You could hear him coming a block away: bumping old school music my dad listens to: the O’Jays, Earth, Wind, and Fire, Frankie Beverly and Maze.

He was dressed to kill, in silk shirts, gold watch, and gator shoes. He always had a pretty woman by his side, usually a different one every few weeks.

This impressed the hell out of younger me, and still does today.

Mr. Jessie had, and still has, an easy smile, and a hearty laugh.

He’s respected throughout my old neighborhood for helping widows, like my grandmother. He does simple repairs for her, and looks after all the women on that block who watched him grow up, now in their 80s.

Mr. Jessie never married, and never stayed with any one woman very long. As far as anyone knows, he doesn’t have any children.

Yet he is loved by his community, and admired by everyone from old ladies to younger men.

He wasn’t a millionaire from fixing up houses, but he could afford a much nicer truck than most married men drove, AND a weekend car for driving pretty ladies around on Saturday nights.

You save a lot of money not raising children, or burdening yourself with the long list of expenses required to live with a woman.

Today, I live in another state, but I go down to visit my grandmother several times a year.

Mr. Jessie’s 1974 Cutless Supreme

Mr. Jessie’s 1974 Cutless Supreme

I see Mr. Jessie still cruising through town, in his shiny Cutless, with something dolled up and sweet smelling in the passenger seat, like he always has.

Now in his 60s, he still works on houses in the area.

When he sees I’m in town, he stops by to shake my hand and ask my grandmother how she’s doing. He has the same easy smile and sly twinkle in his eyes.

After all these years, he’s never been tied down.

Women Projecting

When bitter, crabby women, who bought into the lies of Feminism, berate me with accusations of what will happen if I don’t “think about love and commitment” I just smile.

they’re scared, and projecting.

Men don’t NEED relationships, marriage, and monogamy the way women do.

Men need occasional companionship- which you can get from friendly neighbors, or a dog.

Men occasionally need pussy, currently $200- 300 a pop most cities in the US, and FREE on dating apps every night of the week.

Men aren’t stupid.

Please remember that men built the entire developed world:

the cell phone you’re reading this on,

the building you’re sitting in,

the city in which you live,

and the infrastructure to bring power, water, internet, and more directly to you,

were all created out of nothing, by the determination and ingenuity of men.

It wasn’t going to take men long to figure out that marriage and relationships are a bad deal for men, and summarily avoid them.

Women are left holding the bag, bitter and hopeless, alone with their childish insults and baseless projections.

I am 37 now: handsome, confident, successful, and muscular.


Women blatantly check me out, and often hit on me first.

Since I know I’ll stay lean and handsome, I expect this to continue for another 8-10 YEARS.

I’ve actually come to expect it, and I’ve gotten lazy on dates as a result.

I know if I hang back and act disinterested, that will only make a woman desire me more.

Even when I’m less physically attractive, I’ll still have money, which attracts women just as well as abs and a killer smile.

If I wake up at 45 and realize I want a family, I’ll simply upgrade one of the women I’m dating to a partner status and have a child or two.

I’ve seen several men do this successfully, including my own stepfather.

After my parents’ divorce, he married my mother, then in her mid-30s. He was 48.

They had 3 healthy, beautiful, children together.

The last two were born when he was in his 50s. He was, and still is, an attentive, loving father.

The world is FULL of women seeking a successful man to provide for them.

I’m not even considering marriage and kids until I turn 40 in a few years, if ever.

Men are the gatekeepers of relationships.

It will be so EASY for me to do this in my mid-40s, even later, that there’s no reason to even think about it now.

Women don’t have this luxury.

They are furious once they realize it.

The Content Bachelor

For now, I am completely content in bachelorhood.

I own a comfortable house.

I have two big dogs that jump on the couch whenever they want, car posters on the walls, a full size ping pong table, and a fridge stocked with beer.


I have loving nieces and nephews, as well as two god-children that I spoil with gifts and toys.

My sister came to visit me recently, and I loved taking time off of my business to show her around.

I’ve worked hard to be successful and I’m having the time of my life.

A wife or girlfriend would only be nagging me and spending my money.

I look at other men complaining about their wives extravagant spending and annoying nagging and shake my head.

I’m thankful I was smart enough to avoid that.

Shout out to Mr. Jessie, and all the bachelors who showed me what was possible.

-Solitary Beast.